Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Tonight my hubby and I were both being slugs. He needed to go to the store and I needed to sew at least two pairs of strips together for my stairstepper quilt. We decided to have a contest, to help motivate us. I had to sew the strips and iron them... I'm pretty slow and I use a ton of pins which I have to stop to take out every few inches. He had to go to the store and come right back. Now, there was no "prize" other than just saying who finished first. I was kind and waited until after he put his shoes on and was headed out there, then I rushed into my room to sew as quickly (and accurately) as possible. No problems there... didn't run out of bobbin thread or any of those things that I would expect to happen. Then I hurry to other room to iron... but the iron was gone! That little cheater had not only moved it, but took it with him!!! I called his cell phone to find him laughing... very pleased with himself. Oh well... husbands... what can you do? LOL!


quiltpixie said...

lol. Sounds like you "won" by default...

Kim West said...

too funny - yes.. you won by default

Darlene said...

Oh, that's funny. Something my husband would do. LOL