Now, I guess I can get back to work on my Raspberry Tea quilt top. I am also hoping to get the one I designed the pattern for basted next weekend... we'll see if hubby is up to it as we also are having Gentry's party next Sunday. His actually birthday is this Monday and he couldn't be more excited! We have plans for the whole day!!!
I also got some good news on the phone today. My BIL and SIL are expecting a son... due in March. I guess I'll be needing to work on a quilt for the wee one as well. Now, if only I knew exactly what I wanted to do for that. Hmmmm????
love how you interpreted round 1 of the Ostrich RR -- 22" is none tooo small though is it? :-)
I love the way you did yours!!
I will let you know when my site is back up so you can post it over there.
Looking good! I like the shadow 3D effect you get from the two different fabrics.
*blushes* Mine's already 24 inches square, after I add this next round on, so - if I don't watch it I'll have a king size... lol
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