I'm probably sinking with everything I have going on right now, but I'm definitely trying to swim! LOL!
I still have not finished quilting Gentry's quilt. I was so hoping I could get away with only quilting along the sashing and borders, but I realized I really did need to also quilt inside the blocks. I didn't want to, as I don't want the quilt to be about me and my quilting, I wanted it to be about him and his coloring, etc. So, after many attempts, I'm finally quilting with invisible thread on the actual outline of each picture and letter. You can't really see it, but it does give just a bit of pleasant puffiness to his work. However, I'm not a free-motion quilter, so it is stitch, turn, stitch, stitch, turn, stitch, turn... well, you get the idea. LOL! And it is a pretty heavy and decent sized quilt, with a little machine. I have only done three of the 26 letters and I think I averaged about 30 mins per block! Okay, I know I am slow, you don't have to tell me. And after I do one, it takes about an hour or so to lessen the pain in my neck and shoulders. So, I have to ask myself... is he worth it? Well, yes, of course he is! ;c)
And if the quilt weren't enough, I've also started a little cross-stitch picture for him. I couldn't help it. He saw it on my sister's ebay site and just had to have it. (She is also selling some FQs if you are interested.) Anyway, it has Lumpy and Roo from Winnie-the-Pooh on it. I just couldn't resist, so I'm doing that for his birthday too. And, yes, I know I only have three weeks to get everything done, not to mention planning his party.
I have almost everything relatively planned for home-school... except Social Studies. I have spent so many hours online looking for just the right thing for both kids. And I have found NOTHING. Gentry, I'm not so worried about as he can pick up stuff from what I teach Hailey. However, Hailey will be tested on everything at the end of the year, so I have to teach very specific things! If any of you wonderful ladies are teachers or home-schooling moms and know of something that will cover this list, please let me know. Once I have that problem solved it will just be a matter of getting settled into the new schedule. And what a schedule it is too...
- Bible Study
- Math
- Penmanship
- Reading
- French
- Science
- Social Studies
- Computer Skills
- Language
- Writing
- Art (on Saturdays at the Art House)
- P.E. & Music (with Daddy)
The kids are so excited! They have their little bins organized with all their new school supplies!
And, yes, as if I don't have enough going on right now... I signed up for a RR. I thought I would make something for Hailey, didn't know what, and then remembered I had a piece of her kindergarten art work that was printed on to fabric. I had no idea what I should do with it, but this seems like the perfect thing. Here it is... if you can't tell, it is supposed to be a kite. I showed it to her and she announced it wasn't her best work. LOL! Now, I have to add something to it to square it off before sending it out for the first round. I'll post a picture of it as soon as that part is done.